Owen had his first swim lesson ever last night. It was just so cute and precious...and of course there I was with my camera around my neck and flip video in my hand. I'm such a dork. ;) He was pretty excited about it and did really well for him. He's always been rather skiddish around water. It took years before I was able to get him to actually lay down in the bathtub to wash his hair that way. This week we have to work on blowing bubbles and getting water in his face in the tub. He wouldn't let go of the instructors finger. :)
Lesson number two is tomorrow night and then his first soccer practice is Friday night. It may be a double post week for me as I document all these firsts. :)
You have captured everything about his first lesson. You can see the excitement and fun. Very impressed, the quality of the captures are outstanding, so impressed.