Welcome to Project 52 - a personal photo blog containing a photo a week for an entire year. I may even share more if I'm feeling spunky. Enjoy!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Week 3

Its been over a week since my last post so I'm having a hard time remembering everything! It has been a whirlwind weekend around our house. Owen has been really sick this weekend. After a trip to the doctor today and a negative strep test, he's been diagnosed with a virus. I hate when my son is sick. I hate even more when he spikes a 104.2 fever! He gave us a scare last night when it got so high, but today his temp has been lower and tonight he seems to be feeling much better! We're plugging on with the Motrin and Tylenol and hoping this passes quickly!

We've had another health scare in the family the past few days as well. On Friday my husbands grandfather was taken to the hospital. He is around 95 years old and has pneumonia. However, he's stable and is really improving. That's an awesome thing. Please remember him in your thoughts and prayers if you could.

I tried to get some Valentine's pics of Owen this week. It wasn't a very successful shoot, but thought I would share one that has *potential* for a valentine. I may try more this week as I'm not just thrilled with them.

Owen finally got to go back to school last week after being out for a week due to snow. On Thursday late afternoon we got more snow, about 2 inches. I don't middle think TN has gotten this much snow in a long while. I think there is a chance we may get more this week as well! I sure hope its not enough to cancel school.

Here's a share of some more photos that I've taken since my last post. I actually took this one while we were stuck home in the snow. . . whenever I want O to stay confined and play in one place for more than like a milisecond...I can always count on the tub. ;)

And a beautiful sunset...I shot this one after a week of gray skies. It was beautiful.

And my blankie loving boy. Ever since we said goodbye to the paci a year ago, this is what he chews on going to sleep. Its precious.

Potty training is going fantastic, btw! We...or he...is really on a roll!
I hope you all have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Cute bath series, and a cute valentine! And the blankie shot will be such a great memory!
